Cafe Bird Friendly product line-up

New look, better packaging

We are committed to conservation on all fronts. The Café Le Nichoir initiative exists to encourage people to drink certified Bird Friendly, Fair Trade, organic coffee as a way to protect biodiversity on coffee farms.

It only makes sense that we would be concerned about how we package that coffee. In 2018 we launched an omnidegradable coffee bag from the Canadian company TekPak Solutions. Omnidegradable means the entire bag including the liner and valve will completely biodegrade – you can even compost it in your own composter if you like.

Up until now though the labels on the bags were not biodegradable. All that changes today as we introduce our new labeling.

The top card on each bag is printed on Rolland Enviro 100 paper which is100% post-consumer recycled material. The card is recyclable and biodegradable.

The new labels are certified compostable paper with a compostable adhesive. Our only remaining challenge is the small batch label on each bag. We’re working on it ….

Introducing new labelling was an opportunity to give our partners a unique new look that reflects their organization.   We hope you like their choices!